IT Consultancy
Help & Advice
Your insight into your business teamed with our world-
Such is the diversity of our client base that every day we see a new way in which technology can work or fail. We put this invaluable real-

With that experience to hand, we take the time to read between the lines of your operations, your plans and your issues and create and present appropriate consultancy recommendations to get the best from IT while avoiding the bleeding edge of new technology.
Security Audits
- Security from idle hackers, to real commercial threats –
- Your networks are the backbone of your business –
Establishing the right framework for your information infrastructure is critical to the success of your investment in technology. At Kent PCs we take a top-
Remote Working
- Remote working off-
site, home or abroad hassle- free more
Voice over IP Solutions
- Voice over IP (Internet-
based voice traffic) is finally here – more
Continuity and Maintenance
- Continuity keep the wheels of your business turning
- Relocation take the IT risk out of a business move
- Existing Equipment Maintenance –
Software – even unusual or specific to your business
Software solutions large and small we deal with hundreds of suppliers –