Data Recovery
Disaster – Disaster – Disaster
Backup? Backup? What backup?

Or worse still a backup that will not restore as no one has checked the tapes since 1995!
Server crashes, PC Crashes, boot failures
Or just simple “I press the button and nothing happens” we can help.
Over 90% of data loss can be recovered
Provided the machine is left alone and we are contacted immediately. Do not switch the machine off if it’s on or on if it’s off. Unless the machine is formatting or doing a “delete all” type command, then just pull the power plug out of the back (or switch off at the wall) and call us.
Data Recovery Hotline Just call 01233 740306
Hard Drive Failures
If we can get the drive to spin we should be able to recover most of the data.
Please do not try to repair a faulty drive yourself as this may only destroy more of the data.
Tape Drive Failures
Kent PCs uses advanced data recovery tools and techniques to repair and recover inaccessible data from all backup applications and media types.
Kent PCs has partnered with a leading data recovery specialist. Although we can recover data in most scenarios there are always times when a specialist is required. Usually this means the device is physically broken and will need disassembly in specialist clean room facilities.
If we feel the specialist is required we would discuss with you the best way forward. We would then send the device off to our recovery specialist, once they retrieve the device they would prepare a report detailing what could be recovered from the device and a cost with timescales. You will then be able to make an informed choice.